A Journey Called Game

A Journey Called Game

Marko Babić

"Recently, someone wrote me a note saying that I have an unusual gift for telling an ordinary story in a very interesting way. That compliment has been stroking my ego for weeks. I can only draw one...

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"Recently, someone wrote me a note saying that I have an unusual gift for telling an ordinary story in a very interesting way. That compliment has been stroking my ego for weeks. I can only draw one conclusion from this that the book you are holding in your hands is one ordinary story, of one ordinary guy, about one ordinary cancer, told in an unusual (or, if you ask my ego, in a very interesting) way. Yes, I know, it sounds a bit like an introduction into a corny American movie. Some guy has cancer and decides to write a book about it. But even though this is a book about my journey from the moment of my diagnosis, I gave it my all not to make this a story about cancer. I won't lie to you. It is mentioned a considerable number of times. But I, like everything else in life, have looked at it and experienced it from my own different perspective. It is possible that you will shed a tear once in a while, but I tried to make it much more often that they would be tears of laughter rather than tears of sadness."

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